Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Political Parties or No Parties Period?

MPs slam 'obscene' Tory patronage posts  is the head line on CBC

 Majority of the comments was about the other political party did that as well. 
comment by friend L.G:
"You know what gets me ... is they all do it .... the liberals were so bad at this its not funny. Many departments are still controlled by the liberals .... all of them do these appointments because they know if somthing goes wrong with an election"

What we need is either an Honest Political party or abolish the Party system and stick with Independents, through them we can then, elect out of the Independents as to who will speak on behalf of Canadians. Place a Law; that at any time Citizens can petition for a Bi-election on that person, a recall or impeachment of any Political figure that Canadians feel who is not doing their job in the interests of Canadians as a whole. Any future corruption, criminal acts or mis-use of elected position will result in Incarceration.

Thats why I say abolish the party system which put an ending partisanship, which seems to be a major issue for everyone, from stacking the political views to corruption. Not to have those who have proven to be there for Canada as a whole, lose their positions, at one persons command, which is happening in Federal Government as well as Provincial

Therefore I believe to have the communities, choose their own community speaker, each community speaker takes concerns to regional speakers ( of whom are chosen by all those before them) keep working that way to national /international speaker for Canadians, we all have a say in our particular interest to make the decisions for Canada as we do for our individual lives.
Basically the same thing that we have now, just no party involvement, with 100% say of Canadian  Business with-in our Nation; along with International Relations: Granted to the Citizens of Canada as a whole and within their own communities, to make their voice known to the concerns of their community where those voices set the census of the community

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I went and took a look at my Garden

I went and took a look at my Garden, in an attempt to get away from the situations at hand, while getting back to the basic’s of life.

Between years of attempting to expose the corruption within our Respective Governments, and seeing others make reference to the disabilities of others; as an arguing starting situation, “too each their own but don’t force it on to me”!
After taking a good look at this thought provoking subject; I asked myself, people are against many things:
Racism’s/ Prejudices of
·        Religion
·         Race
·        Disability
·        Political
·        Ability
·        Personalities
·        Speech
·        Actions
·        Thought
Most of this due to personal belief and the right to express so; many follow that right, past the extent, that fits the situation; which then becomes a personal decision of right and wrong, by following the same rules of Law/ Constitution; “for themselves only not allowed for others” ; creating a culture of self worth belief, where everyone’s concern is material /credit/ social position etc. From the common citizen to the worlds leaders the same attitudes are there.

Alias we have Governments that are proving more each day that the Country as we knew it is no-longer recognized by our Governments, as all it has become is nothing more then another weekday Soap Opera (ever watch/listen to your legislature/ Parliament) ; only the Actors are real (those in your legislature/ Parliament ) as are the lives of the Citizens.
Welcome to Real Life Monopoly; Where Canadian Elite are being charged in other Countries for Corruption; in Canada Politicians/Agencies are being accused of International Espionage, let alone the domestic actions of the same. We as the People want our Rights when Federal offices are being closed down, individual Rights legislators, prevent any actions of concern where necessary, but allowing for other concerns to be publicly addressed.
When did all this start?

Is it caused by our Governments in Canada allowing the Bureaucrats to make Personal decisions of our individual lives for their personal gain?

Is it from Corporations that deal with the Bureaucrats to get what they want? Just by Lobbying for legislation that violates the Rights of Canadians?

Corporations that have more control of the Government will guarantee only the employed will be happy (except for the bills/taxes they have to pay), even then if any discontent of the worker then it is a lock out/ strike depends on who the Corporation is, some may close that particular area of employment, deny others of medical care, violate your Rights as they wish, while our Governments ignores the situation; offering them tax breaks ; turning a blind eye to the crimes committed and then if you speak out about it you are punished, one way ,shape, form or other, you will be punished least that is the way it is felt in Progressive Conservative Alberta and it is seems to be reenacting at the Federal levels.

So what do we really have to do?
IMHO we have to stand for what’s Right for everyone as a whole. If you don’t want it done to you: then don’t do it to others, in every manner

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Are Arm's Length Government Agencies in Reality an N.G.O ? ( non-government organization) what is a N.G.O or should say who?

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a legally
constituted, non-governmental organization
created by natural or legal
with no participation or representation of any government.
In the cases in which NGOs are funded totally or partially by
governments, the NGO maintains its non-governmental status by excluding
government representatives from membership in the organization. Unlike
the term "intergovernmental organization", "non-governmental organization" is a term in general use but is not a
legal definition. In many jurisdictions, these types of organization are
defined as "civil society organizations" or referred to by other names.

The legal form of NGOs is diverse and depends upon homegrown variations in each country's laws and practices. However, four main family groups of NGOs can be found worldwide:[19]
NGOs are not subjects of international law, as states are. An exception is the International Committee of the Red Cross, which is subject to certain specific matters, mainly relating to the Convention" class="mw-redirect"">Geneva Convention.

There is a growing movement within the “non”-profit and “non”-government sector to define itself in a more constructive, accurate way. Instead of being defined by “non” words, organizations are suggesting new
terminology to describe the sector. The term “civil society organization” (CSO) has been used by a growing number of organizations, such as the Center for the Study of Global Governance.

The term “citizen sector organization” (CSO) has also been advocated to
describe the sector — as one of citizens, for citizens.This labels and positions the sector as its own entity, without relying
on language used for the government or business sectors. However some
have argued that this is not particularly helpful given that most NGOs
are in fact funded by governments and business and that some NGOs are
clearly hostile to independently organized " people's organizations".

As from previous posting's, we learned in the History of the Workers Compensation Board of Canada, it was based off the Compensation practices of Chancellor Von-Bismark. From that meeting of Sir Merrideth and other Countries examining his system they formed an International N.G.O, which is what we have today. Approximately  5 years later W.W.I broke out and we know the out come from there;
The League of Nations (LON) was an inter-governmental organization founded as a result of the of Versailles"">Treaty of Versailles in 1919–1920, and the precursor to the United Nations. At its greatest extent from 28 September 1934 to 23 February 1935, it had 58 members. The League's primary goals as stated in its Covenant included preventing war through collective security, disarmament, and settling international disputes through negotiation and arbitration.[1]
Other goals in this and related treaties included labor conditions,
just treatment of native inhabitants, trafficking in trafficking"">persons and trafficking" class="mw-redirect"">drugs, arms trade, globalhealth, prisoners of war, and Treaties"">protection of minorities in Europe.

The UN came into existence on October 24, 1945, after ratification of the Charter by the five permanent members of the Security CouncilChina"">Republic of China, France, USSR, Kingdom"">United Kingdom, and the UnitedStates — and by a majority of the other 46 signatories.{{citation
needed|date=April 2010}}

The League of Nations formally dissolved itself on 18 April 1946 and transferred its mission to the United Nations.

So out of this we have an International-Government body that stands up for Rights and Freedoms and N.G.O's that work against our Rights and Freedoms, was this the thoughts of pre - W.W.I, where as N.G.O's would do all the business while the Government sat back and dictated to them all and the N.G.O's were allowed total control of the entire population?

How far back in History has our Rights being Ignored and slowly removed ?
If this is the case then why does our Canadian Government allow these violation's of United Nations Rights and freedoms to go to the extent they are? After all look at the closures of Human Rights Offices in Canada, the people that were turned away from their doors; maybe we need a closer look at who runs the N.G.O's,
the heads of the major multinational corporations,international banks, world financial institutions, global governing bodies think tanks; powerful individuals of the likes of: David Rockefeller,  various European monarchs, including,Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, daughter of founding member, Prince Bernhard , Queen Sofia and King Juan Carlos of Spain

According to The Globe and Mail, such Canadian Prime Ministers have, in the past, (often before becoming
Prime Minister), attended a Conference as a guest, including:Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin

and Stephen Harper, Conrad Black and others , including International Heads of State.

This particular statement is very disturbing 

Tony Blair
attended the conference before becoming Prime Minister, as did the current British Prime
Minister, Gordon Brown, who also recently called for the establishment of a "new world order."

Which is very scary to me , as it looks like to me that those who believe in the New World Order have infiltrated the United Nations.





btw way N.G.O is another term for Board, Commission, Corporation, Association

Friday, April 2, 2010

What if Organized crime is bigger then the Police can handle?

Is Calgary police Service going to need Interpol's help?
Especially when the investigation gets to http://bit.ly/beBCDd   ; http://abusebyalbertasworkerscompensation.blogspot.com/
& ; http://bit.ly/b8SAPe ?

The later is where they should start IMHO if they think it can be done in this totalitarian/ authoritarian/ corrupted country our Governments have put us in.

So if nothing is done about the Organized Corporate Crime, which can be considered Criminal Capitalism, does that make Canada a Corrupt Capitalistic Country; which would be better for Canadians ?
Monarchy or Despotism ?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Enough is Enough

I have had enough of the Alberta Government, family Services, lack of Law enforcement action and the Workers Compensation Board, to have our finances cut off from Social Assistance is bad enough but 10 years ago the same type of sneaky actions were committed, along with other situations since that are criminally questionable to the Courts but in Alberta try and get a fair court hearing when dealing with the Alberta Progressive Conservative Government, to the point of witnessing the Crown admitting in the court room, in front of the Judge that professionals hired in the case did not need information in order to deal with the situation at hand.It was only by true innocence of the accusations by the Alberta Agency that enabled the proper court decision, how ever that wasn't the same for the next time they got me into court, at that time I believe my specialized lawyer was not working in my best interest.
so lets start with today's letter, sent out to Members of the Alberta Legislature Members of the opposition, national media investigative reporters that have been paying attention to this situation for some time now and Interpol.
here is the letter sent out:BE SURE TO READ THE LINKS PROVIDED

Dear Ms.Denny

I am making claim to Mental Stress caused by the Worker’s Compensation Board of Alberta and its employees.
Reasons and cause:
1. Employer’s attempt to prevent loss time injury on August 25th, 1999
2. WCB’s denial of claim November 1999
3. WCB’s false claim of employers offer of employment in November 1999
4. WCB’s false claim of overpayments not being recovered ; only to have been recovered 3 separate times
5. WCB’s refusal to upgrading at the request of academic instructors 2003.
6. WCB’s enforcement of academic training without upgrading 2003, then to claim it was offered but ”claimant” refused 2007
7. WCB’s refusal of request by claimant to finishing electrical training in 2002, only to “have the same training” incorporated in 2007.
8. WCB’s interference/ stating out come of Appeals Commissions decisions
9. Manipulation of information causing criminal record
10. WCB’s practice of ignoring Court rulings
11. Money taken or withheld from me and put towards over payment before any court proceeding then to have equal amount removed after proceedings.
12. Manipulation of finances/ file information
13. Stating on documents that overpayments to be dealt with via Appeals Commission ; while Appeals Commission refused to deal such matters
14. Altering Appeals decisions by submitting information after the Appeals Commission hearing.
15. WCB staff threatens the Appeals Commission not to proceed with Appeal.
16. To be deemed in an occupation that is (by WCB statistics) unsuitable due to injury.
17. To be refused business start-up due to claims manager statement of “no business experience” when exclusive customer and manufacturer were already in place and The Business Development Bank's statement of 45% chance of success without proper proto-type; which is why I asked for assistance in creating proto-type, if I had received that I would now be on a different business venture.
18. Inability to get business grants due to WCB’s involvement (as I am WCB’s responsibility)
19. Ridicule and ultimatums while in Millard Rehabilitation Center, as well as the same that has happened through out the history of my claim, when dealing with claim managers.
20. To have a WCB employee contact Social Services claiming I made approx $816.00 per month when my year end T-5 states $943.11 for the year. Causing my family to be without any income what so ever.
21. Sleepless nights and unnecessary aggravations due to the workings of the WCB.
22. Every time I had come up with an idea to help my life it has been denied any assistance by the WCB, for what reasons I do not know, which in turn is non-compliance by the WCB.
23. Informed that I am receiving proper updated information about overpayments when I receive no such information for months or what my benefit income is, for that particular year.
24. Told to take potential employers to the labour board when not hired, when it is WCB’s responsibility to ensure that I am capable of employment.

I think this enough for now, but then again I am not sure, as chronic pain does cause brain shrinkage and also contributes to stress, which again is a WCB issue.

Thank you
Sincerely Ken

reply from Ms.Denny:
As with any other claim, the WCB investigates the cause to determine whether the claim is acceptable. Claims for this type of injury are eligible for compensation only when "all" of the following criteria are met;
There is a confirmed psychological or psychiatric diagnosis as described in the DSM-IV
The work related events or stressors are the predominant cause of injury
the work related events are excessive or unusual in comparison to the normal pressures and tensions experienced by the average worker in a similar occupation and
there is objective conformation of the events.

What was happening in 2000 is happening again today March 11th 2010 with Family services , http://abusebyalbertasworkerscompensation.blogspot.com/2009/05/provincial-government-agencies-all-work.html , only reason why is due to http://abusebyalbertasworkerscompensation.blogspot.com/2010/02/letter-to-mrmah-legal-representative-to.html and http://abusebyalbertasworkerscompensation.blogspot.com/
if that is not enough information for you, please feel free to contact me, with what is seemingly to be a set up and threat to my family, due to statements of criminal activities in order to prevent me from disclosing all I have found, as this is not the first time in Alberta this type of situation has occurred, which you can find within these provided links.

Here is one link that I had missed and it could be considered to be an important one

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How many zeros in a billion???

This is too true to be funny...

The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money.

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases.

A) A billion seconds ago it was 1959.

B) A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.

C) A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.

D) A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.

E) A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.

While this thought is still fresh in our brain... let's take a look at New Orleans .... It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division.

Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D) is presently asking Congress for 250 BILLION DOLLARS,to rebuild New Orleans .. Interesting number... what does it mean?

A) Well... if you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, and child) you each get $516,528.

B) Or... if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.

C) Or... if you are a family of four... your family gets $2,066,012.

Imagine, now $700 billion bailing out banks in the US . That's enough to fund complete medical care for every man, woman and child currently alive in the US for 11 years!!
50 billion to bail out the auto industry???
Washington , D.C. & Ottawa ON.
HELLO!!! Are all your calculators broken??

Accounts Receivable Tax ,Building Permit Tax, CDL License Tax ,Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax ,Dog License Tax ,Federal Income Tax , Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA),Fishing License Tax, Food License Tax, Fuel Permit Tax,Gasoline Tax
,Hunting License Tax, Inheritance Tax,Inventory Tax, IRS/Canada Revenue Interest Charges (tax on top of tax),IRS/Canada Revenue Penalties (tax on top of tax)
,Liquor Tax, Luxury Tax, Marriage License Tax,Medicare/Health Tax, Property Tax
,Real Estate Tax, Service charge taxes, Social Security/CPP Tax, Road Usage Tax (Truckers),Sales Taxes,Recreational Vehicle Tax,School Tax, Income Tax, Telephone Surcharge Tax ,Utility Tax,Vehicle License Registration Tax ,Vehicle Sales Tax
,Watercraft Registration Tax, Well Permit Tax, Workers Compensation Tax
Everything Tax

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago...
and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt...
We had the largest middle class in the world..
and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.What happened?

Can you spell 'politicians!'
And I still have to press '1' for English.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt.” – John Adams

lets look at this:

Premiers get historic shot at fostering U.S. trade ties

Seven leaders to meet governors to improve relationships between states and provinces

Flexing their combined political muscle, Ontario's Dalton McGuinty and six other premiers are meeting with U.S. governors and members of President Barack Obama's cabinet in Washington.
In a historic summit of sub-national leaders, the premiers' Council of the Federation is gathering with the powerful National Governors' Association on Friday with hope of improving trade relations between provinces and states.

LOOK what was reported minutes after this posting was put together:
Washington managed to pocket the provincial governments’ offers on the table, while leaving its Buy American preferences almost fully intact, writes Scott Sinclair of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Now we take a look at this situation , which is in the U.S but it has already been initiated in Canada by an International Corporation that pose's under the guise of Independence, which will be linked later in the the blog.

As a record number of US citizens are struggling to get by, many of the largest corporations are experiencing record-breaking profits, and CEOs are receiving record-breaking bonuses. How could this be happening; how did we get to this point?

The Economic Elite have escalated their attack on US workers over the past few years; however, this attack began to build intensity in the 1970s. In 1970, CEOs made $25 for every $1 the average worker made. Due to technological advancements, production and profit levels exploded from 1970 - 2000. With the lion’s share of increased profits going to the CEOs, this pay ratio dramatically rose to $90 for CEOs to $1 for the average worker.

As ridiculous as that seems, an in-depth study in 2004 on the explosion of CEO pay revealed that, including stock options and other benefits, CEO pay is more accurately $500 to $1.

Now lets have a look at how some of these Corporations treat their employees in the name of the almighty Dollar, you decide for yourself where the money goes and who is doing all the screaming for assistance.

Insurance giant AIG, the same company that rewarded its executives with millions in bonuses and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a spa retreat at an exclusive California resort and private jets, has been nickel and diming employees of private contractors injured in Iraq, with a pattern of denying and delaying their claims.

OTTAWA ­- Disabled Nortel workers who will see their benefits cut off at the end of the year are hoping to take their fight to a human rights tribunal.
As well, news that Nortel is requesting permission from Canadian and U.S.
courts to pay $92 million in retention bonuses to executives selling off the final pieces of the company.Take those bonuses times two and every disabled employee would be taken care of, but better to give that money to the people who don¹t need it.

If you think this is just beginning to happen in Canada you better think again,it has been happening for almost a Century now , just that our Governments have kept it in silence, as they are just as guilty for allowing this situation to happen to begin with, but then again it is all their doing as well; with corporate guidance they turn us all into disposable slaves, while we get the crumbs off the table.

The World Wide connection of above http://abusebyalbertasworkerscompensation.blogspot.com/2009_04_09_archive.html

So how do you feel now about the situation that we are being put into? I feel like a disposable slave, that enables the despots to takeover in the name of democracy. Then again according the The Uncle John's Bathroom Readers for Kids; Democracy meant for mob rule and unchecked, it would pose a grave threat to life, liberty and property, which was conventional wisdom in the 18th century, well into the 19th century in North America and Western Europe (January 2004.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lets Dissect Ed Stelmach’s Big Plan’s for New Session

Summaries of nine pieces of legislation that the Conservatives plan to pursue this winter and spring offer a glimpse of the government’s agenda. 

Alberta Competitiveness Act aims to increase partnerships between the government and industry and improve the province’s competitive edge in the global economy;

Is this giving the large Corporations more power inAlberta on an International scale along with more input into Government policy and Legislation?

• Professional Statutes Amendment Act requires professional regulatory organizations to consult with ministers before changing which education courses or programs are required for registry;

Does this mean that Regulatory Organizations have been picking and choosing on those who they wish to train or re-train?

• Securities Amendment Act will allow for the regulation of credit-rating agencies and will broaden the Alberta Securities Commission’s power to deal with faulty disclosure statements;

Is the Government saying that the credit rating agencies investigating into Alberta Securities Commission are faulty? Claiming that anyone that speaks out against their "private dealings" are wrong as the Alberta Government is wanting to protect all those investors who profited by these acts?

• Elections Statutes Amendment Act will streamline how provincial elections are held;

This so the Progressive Conservative Party can control the elections much more effectively and secretly then they already have been. After all hasn't Alberta brought in another politician to speak publicly and give his advice, that has been under question for elections tampering in his own country

• Fatal Accidents Amendment Act will make eligibility for bereavement damages less restrictive;

Does this pertain to death by employment (WCB);, by criminal acts; 3rd party accidents; covered by work insurance; regular insurances or the uninsured ?

• Witness Security Act will establish a provincial witness security program to complement the current federal system;

This in place to protect those involved in the new Bill’s to be introduced? Certainly wouldn't be put in place for me or any other person that blows the whistle on Alberta Government

• Local Authorities Election Statutes Amendment Act clarifies rules of residency for local government elections;

Am interested to hear more, as there are many windows to this statement, which could go any direction, like does this pertain to the Candidate , the voter or where most of a certain partisan community lives?

• Emergency Management Amendment Act will improve liability protection for search and rescue members and their organizations;

After what happened in B.C this makes e wonder if it is to protect the Volunteers from law suit of the people they rescue or  the insurance companies that say the person was injured by the rescuers, so they can get their cost's back
The Dangerous Goods Transportation and Handling Amendment Act will harmonize provincial rules with federal legislation.

This  makes some sense as keeping all the Dangerous Goods rules of the road equal across Canada,only a professional truck driver would know of any implications here;
now can they do something about the rail roads?