Thursday, June 24, 2010

I went and took a look at my Garden

I went and took a look at my Garden, in an attempt to get away from the situations at hand, while getting back to the basic’s of life.

Between years of attempting to expose the corruption within our Respective Governments, and seeing others make reference to the disabilities of others; as an arguing starting situation, “too each their own but don’t force it on to me”!
After taking a good look at this thought provoking subject; I asked myself, people are against many things:
Racism’s/ Prejudices of
·        Religion
·         Race
·        Disability
·        Political
·        Ability
·        Personalities
·        Speech
·        Actions
·        Thought
Most of this due to personal belief and the right to express so; many follow that right, past the extent, that fits the situation; which then becomes a personal decision of right and wrong, by following the same rules of Law/ Constitution; “for themselves only not allowed for others” ; creating a culture of self worth belief, where everyone’s concern is material /credit/ social position etc. From the common citizen to the worlds leaders the same attitudes are there.

Alias we have Governments that are proving more each day that the Country as we knew it is no-longer recognized by our Governments, as all it has become is nothing more then another weekday Soap Opera (ever watch/listen to your legislature/ Parliament) ; only the Actors are real (those in your legislature/ Parliament ) as are the lives of the Citizens.
Welcome to Real Life Monopoly; Where Canadian Elite are being charged in other Countries for Corruption; in Canada Politicians/Agencies are being accused of International Espionage, let alone the domestic actions of the same. We as the People want our Rights when Federal offices are being closed down, individual Rights legislators, prevent any actions of concern where necessary, but allowing for other concerns to be publicly addressed.
When did all this start?

Is it caused by our Governments in Canada allowing the Bureaucrats to make Personal decisions of our individual lives for their personal gain?

Is it from Corporations that deal with the Bureaucrats to get what they want? Just by Lobbying for legislation that violates the Rights of Canadians?

Corporations that have more control of the Government will guarantee only the employed will be happy (except for the bills/taxes they have to pay), even then if any discontent of the worker then it is a lock out/ strike depends on who the Corporation is, some may close that particular area of employment, deny others of medical care, violate your Rights as they wish, while our Governments ignores the situation; offering them tax breaks ; turning a blind eye to the crimes committed and then if you speak out about it you are punished, one way ,shape, form or other, you will be punished least that is the way it is felt in Progressive Conservative Alberta and it is seems to be reenacting at the Federal levels.

So what do we really have to do?
IMHO we have to stand for what’s Right for everyone as a whole. If you don’t want it done to you: then don’t do it to others, in every manner

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