Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Political Parties or No Parties Period?

MPs slam 'obscene' Tory patronage posts  is the head line on CBC

 Majority of the comments was about the other political party did that as well. 
comment by friend L.G:
"You know what gets me ... is they all do it .... the liberals were so bad at this its not funny. Many departments are still controlled by the liberals .... all of them do these appointments because they know if somthing goes wrong with an election"

What we need is either an Honest Political party or abolish the Party system and stick with Independents, through them we can then, elect out of the Independents as to who will speak on behalf of Canadians. Place a Law; that at any time Citizens can petition for a Bi-election on that person, a recall or impeachment of any Political figure that Canadians feel who is not doing their job in the interests of Canadians as a whole. Any future corruption, criminal acts or mis-use of elected position will result in Incarceration.

Thats why I say abolish the party system which put an ending partisanship, which seems to be a major issue for everyone, from stacking the political views to corruption. Not to have those who have proven to be there for Canada as a whole, lose their positions, at one persons command, which is happening in Federal Government as well as Provincial

Therefore I believe to have the communities, choose their own community speaker, each community speaker takes concerns to regional speakers ( of whom are chosen by all those before them) keep working that way to national /international speaker for Canadians, we all have a say in our particular interest to make the decisions for Canada as we do for our individual lives.
Basically the same thing that we have now, just no party involvement, with 100% say of Canadian  Business with-in our Nation; along with International Relations: Granted to the Citizens of Canada as a whole and within their own communities, to make their voice known to the concerns of their community where those voices set the census of the community